Mortgage Marketer

Dave Davis

385-522-6940 (Cell)

NMLS ID: 2396673

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Dave Davis

Mortgage Marketer

As a mortgage marketing executive, Dave promotes Mountain America’s expansive array of mortgage products throughout Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Washington and Oregon.

Having personally conducted business in 34 states, Dave brings three decades of mortgage industry sales and marketing experience to his position at Mountain America. He has an MBA and two undergraduate degrees from Brigham Young University. He also speaks fluent Spanish.

A native Californian, Dave and his wife, Diana, now reside in Saratoga Springs, Utah. He loves baseball, body surfing, classic movies, Shakespeare and spending meaningful time with family, which includes seven children and an ever-expanding number of grandchildren.

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*Loans on approved credit. Actual APR based on creditworthiness. Information and interactive calculators are made available as self-help tools for independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regard to individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. Seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues. Actual rate, payment and costs could be higher. The payment amount does not include homeowner's insurance or property taxes which must be paid in addition to your loan payment. Get an official loan estimate before choosing a loan. Some limitations on loan amounts may apply based on county limits and/or loan product. FHA county loan limits apply for FHA loans.

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